Showing posts with label network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label network. Show all posts

09 September 2016

A rather quiet traffic for Windows 10 Rs1

Finally replacing Windows 8.1 with Windows 10! Within my first three days I need to make sure  that my internet connection didn't abused by Windows and under my control. Having experienced Windows 8.1 before, where explorer, rundll32 and svchost acted as ping bot or downloader this time there is more coming in Windows 10 despite during installation I've opted to turn off "sharing my stuff" with MS features.

Note the following tips are completely favor "bandwidth saving" over "security"

Let's start with services.msc
In XP, I just need to disable Windows Update and BITS, now we get telemetry (note every apps compiled with VS 2015? seems to inherit this ability, intended or not, managed or unmanaged)

- Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
"supposedly" and used to be the main downloader, but no longer

- Windows Update (wuauserv)
this need tuned on when installing offline update files

- Connected User Experiences and Telemetry (DiagTrack)
why I still need to disable this? well it still popped out sometime.

- Program Compatibility Assistant Service
this one is unrelated, but I need to mention here as this thing keep get in the way, choked up, and eventually dying and bring down system resources. Especially when I do three parallel sessions of mingw compilation script for 24 hours. Additionally in this case, using exclusion for Defender will help too.

Move to gpedit.msc
Contrary to usual mantra of dumbed-down Windows: "We (SYSTEM) will manage it for you", gpedit.msc give us tons of rules that SYSTEM will ahem.. *supposedly* obey. But I don't know why they sometime get telepathy with Redmond to do something else.

Allow definition updates from Microsoft Update
Allow real-time definition updates based on reports to Microsoft MAPS
Allow search and Cortana to use location
Allow Telemetry
Check for the latest virus and spyware definitions on startup
Enabling Windows Update Power Management to automatically wake up the system to install scheduled updates (err, this claimed not apply to W10, but just in case)
Initiate definition update on startup

Define the order of sources for downloading definition updates
Disable all apps from Windows Store *Enterprise/Education only
Do not allow web search
Don't search the web or display web results in Search
Turn off access to the Store
Turn off Application Telemetry
Turn off Automatic Download and Update of Map Data
Turn off game updates
Turn off Help and Support Center Microsoft Knowledge Base search
Turn off Search Companion content file updates
Turn off the offer to update to the latest version of Windows
Turn off Windows Update device driver search prompt

Windows Update advanced options:
defer feature updates (like LTSB ?)

Into Windows Firewall rules:
Programs Inbound/Outbound:


- Service  (Background Tasks Infrastructure Service, I think) that spawn BackgroundTransferHost.exe

  Within a logon session, it activated during the first-time the internet connected. I ca't find any reference reference from registry. Firewall is impotent to block it. I think this is modern app version of BITS. I need to kill BackgroundTransferHost manually.
- Spawned Rundll32 that spawn svchost (uh oh, or something like that),  there is ping activity but not bandwidth intensive. I need to kill rundll32 manually.

At the moment that's all I can do and it's considerable quiet for dial-up user like me.
I recommend ProcessHacker to monitor process and network activity.

There are several  BackgroundTransferHost.exe, in System32(or SysWOW64) and deep inside subdir of winsxs (or winsxs\wow64) so include them all in firewall might works, if not put it on Applocker?

14 April 2014

Ternyata errornya Indosat kebablasan

Masalah routing "tersesat" Indosat ternyata belum selesai juga (sudah beberapa minggu). Masalah ini membuat pengguna yang hendak browsing jadi seperti diajak main togel. Soalnya rasio tidak tersesatnya 1:10 percobaan. Tapi buat pengguna yang suka download seperti saya ini bukan masalah besar. Lagipula untuk koneksi 128kbps mana bisa buat youtube/fesbuk mau buka buka google+ aja tidak selesai2 doh.

Tapi sebenarnya tinggal pakai Tor saja masalah hampir tuntas. Ya, hampir, karena mbah google agak paranoid sama proxy yang satu ini  (sering di blok) jadi harus pake bing atau lainnya buat pencarian. Dan tidak harus pakai Tor Browser, kamu bisa pakai privoxy sebagai jembatan antara Tor dengan apapun browser pilihanmu (saya masih pakai Opera 12) tinggal arahkan saja proxy addressnya ke localhost:8118 (ini port default-nya)

Kembali ke topik, lalu apanya yang kebablasan? Saya adalah pelanggan Starone unlimited, tepat sebulan lalu saya coba registrasi. Tapi setelah saya kirim INTERNET BLN ke 7825, balasan yang saya dapati adalah "Maaf ada kendala teknis, Silahkan ulangi beberapa saat lagi" lalu saya coba koneksi untuk sekedar cek email ternyata tersambung. Tapi saat saya cek pulsa ternyata belum terpotong biaya bulanan tapi juga tidak terpotong tarif premium  (yang seharusnya terjadi jika tidak berlangganan) justru saya dapat tambahan 23 yups tepat 23. Saya pikir ya sudahlah yang penting bisa ngenet lagi. :-)

Hari ini adalah hari untuk registrasi untuk 1 bulan ke depan, ternyata saya kembali mendapati hal yang sama. :-D

Bentuk kompensasikah? ha ha

O iya mumpung sedang nulis laman lokal, Saya ucapkan selamat untuk Pak Jokowi atas kemenangan PDIP, semoga jadi Presiden RI! JKW4P!

07 September 2013

Resuming Download from Depositfiles

Don't know if someone has wrote this before (cause it's so simple). This weekend I desperately need several downloads from one of major filesharing survivor DepositFiles. The files are big and my ISP is slow (worse with shared IP). Don't want to mess with eternal redownload or mess around with onion network, I'm looking for a way to resume the download (without their downloader of course).

I found at least two ways: First to use free URL uploader service which offer resumable download or secondly using wget (or whatever downloader with resume ability).

We will need to get Depositfiles' actual link to do it, as we know the url is in this kind of form http://fileshare*depositfiles* we can use source view or built-in browser inspector to get it. Of course we should never click the download button.

Free URL uploader is probably quite risky business, I have seen this kind service very hard to survive in the past. This time I found, the site seems clean and modest but not without problem. As expected, the download is very unstable, keep broken every 1 MB. Don't worry wget will deal with it. Interestingly registration appear to be optional. Just upload and the resumable download link will be provided.

The second way need tool to kill specific TCP connection ala task manager or taskkill, I'm not aware of the availability of the tools under Windows out of box but 3rd party tools such Sysinternals TCPView or ProcessHacker will do.

Essentially what happened is when wget issue resume command the server will get "stuck" but only initially, this is when we need to close wget tcp connection. FYI, closing tcp connection is treated as disconnection from the server so wget will do retry instead of giving up. Upon retrying the "stuck" is "unlocked" and download become resumable.


07 April 2013

Another dropbox failed

Ah I'm not learning from past experience to stop using dropbox for crucial files in this blog, look now, many images are goner. >,<

Yeah I finally lose another dropbox account few days ago.

I really wish Google stop their menacing "chrome 'em all" campaign, first blogger's image uploader always fail under Opera browser (otherwise I'd not use dropbox), then behave infinite recursed iframe  under non-chrome browse, then they stop providing pr0n friendly google image too, ok the latter is irrelevant.

But dear Google, I'd never use your browser until it could run under Guest account (or much restricted one if any)! I'm a privacy freak, I'll eliminate all updater (*pointing at google and others) that try to run without my consent, I visit sites with multiple level of proxy (stupid government, they put most of global internet access redirected to Singapore) and I mostly browse in private mode with alias of course. Oh and I avoid "please invade my privacy by default" OS such as Windows 8.

Back to dropbox, I have made backup to several place although wont do it to all files. Sorry

06 January 2013

Wis rak iso maneh, mbobol indosatm2

Awet 26? Desember kae "bolonge" indosatm2 kethoke wis ditembel :) mbiyen (wis rong taun luwih) aku iso entuk akun broadband CDMA, IP publik (enak nggo P2P), lan quota unlimited gratis tjuk, lumayan tho cuma modal kertu perdana limang ewu thok iso ngenet taunan.

Jane aku jek ngarep-arep yen ki mung sementara, kan iso uga ono sing didandani apane ngono. Yo wis lah matur suwun kaliyan indosat aku wis pikantuk ilmu kathah saking internet. Donlod'ane wis tekan 200 DVD! Suwun sanget!

Saiki wis bener2 1 RUIM = 1 akun tenan. hehe, yen nyoba mbobol akun pascabayar bakal ntuk error 718 (biasane 691).

Indosat2 bolong koyo ngene kok kudu ngenteni telung taun (luwih ya'e) lagi diprenahke! network admine mangan gaji buta kwi, ha ha.

Ki aku lagi jajal smartfren, kethoke unlimited sing paling murah yo? namung sakdurunge, meh jajal nembak superwifi lokal ah.

24 December 2012

Irssi for MSYS

Previously I tried to port finch which failed and have been looking at centerim too which nowhere easier. Now I'm back to focus on just the IRC part and let pidgin do YM task, the choice is clear: Irssi it also the most promising one to port than the two before. Irssi however is dull without perl just like all irc client supposed to be but adding perl would be too big, too many files.

I decide go with Msys setup which should be straightforward and it is, except how the plugins works. There is no libirrsi.dll or such thing so how it could load dll? note that the plugins isn't loadable module, it does depends/linked to Irssi (which has to be irssi.exe itself in windows unless it linked to irssi wholly). I learned about C Perl embedding too from this which involved joining dynaloader.o file in final linking.

irssi + twirssi in action
As you can see with perl, Irssi could be used as twitter client too although the popular way is using bitlbee gateway, unfortunately bitlbee is not work well with windows and the port is unmaintained. Msys version of Irssi has its quirks too, the obvious one is due to msys' limitation jabber plugin unlikely work but most important ones such as OTR and SILC may work. Because of limited nix functionality I'm stuck with DateTime::TimeZone perl module, which assume Msys as unix rather than Win32 for this particular issue, where perl should look up windows' registry to find local timezone thus modifying needed by aliasing 'msys' as 'Win32'. Also msys file permission is not entirely nix style which lead unexpected behavior.

BTW installing twirssi on vanilla msys-perl can be troublesome, there are dozens of modules from CPAN will be installed/updated which in the end still not completely satisfy its dependencies. Careful


27 April 2012

Multiple Google Drive (Do It Yourself)

Google head to cloud! started with Google Drive, a 5GB (free) file synchronization service application based on Python 2.6 and wxWidget (similar to dropbox). If you haven't notice it, google drive during startup extract itself into temporary folder (_MEI???) where python do its stuff.

How? well not too dissimilar from dropbox trick:

Download it first (I hate to download a downloader that claiming as installer, screw it!)
one of mirror:

Once it installed "silently" you will find it in %PROGRAMFILES%\Google\Drive
I believe that's what you get if you're administrator

Copy all files, make a folder [somewhere] and paste there

Copy following text into notepad:

MD "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming">nul
MD "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Application Data">nul
MD "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data">nul
MD "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data">nul
MD "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents">nul
MD "%USERPROFILE%\Documents">nul
START googledrivesync

Save above as "gdloader.bat" (you may change "Tukul" to anything else, just be descriptive) in [somewhere]
Run gdloader.bat,  You know what to do next!

make another copies if you want another Google Drive (be sure name different %USERNAME%)

- Apparently when google do shell registration (shortly after finishing folder setup), Google Drive will nuke current account like crazy (at least in my XP) but that's okay, no worries
- As usual only one account that get file markings (checked icon etc...)
- Tested in XP go try yourself on other Windows!

26 March 2012

Curl 7.24 with IPv6

cURL is a sophisticated downloader (okay, plus many others) utility that except for spider/batch is way better than wget. I decided to build this one because oddly enough the official build did not support IPv6, I noticed it when building PHP last week which by default when built with MSVC curl will have IPv6 but not with MinGW. The issue is in auto-generated curl_config.h file which have bogus values despite claiming (on screen) that it was configured with IPv6 enabled.

Okay enough talking here is two flavor of cURL:

cURL.exe 773KB with SSH, SSL(OpenSSL 1.0.1), IPv6, Asynchronous-DNS, RTMP, SSPI, IDN (via libidn) and WinLDAP
cURL_vista.exe 739KB same as above except IDN is natively supported that's why it need at least Vista

13 December 2011

Yuk ngenet carane wong kere?

Piye tjuk lagi bokek? ra duwe duit? namung pengen fesbukan? Halah! ndeso...

Yen jenengan waos berita sa'niki, ngertos mboten soal "curi pulsa" sing tekan milyaran iku?
Nah iki dudu ngajari ben jenengan koyo ngono tjuk, cuma rada memper utawa "cara aluse"

Sa'umpamane jenengan kere mende tapi duwe kompie lan saged ngragati 'nggo tumbas modem cdma lan kertu perdana sing 7000an, kan kuwi ora larang banget tho tjuk? paling 'ntek satusan ewu ra nganti rongatus... Lah saiki jenengan pikir yen duit sakmono iso nggo ngenet sak puas'e?

08 October 2010

About Indosat IM2

I kind of reluctant to publish this information... but I hope this would be useful especially to fellow Indonesian who too poor to afford the valuable internet. For a record I'm a loyal IM2 (ISP) customer for 2 years now. But somehow it is possible to lower the subscription cost from Rp. 125.000 ($14) / month into merely Rp. 5.000 ($ 0.6) / month.

How? first it's a GPRS modem based service (the one I owned but can be a 3G). It's a good idea to choose GPRS here. The following facts exposed how ridiculous the IM2 services is:

1. You buy initial SIM card for  Rp 150.000 and ALL YOU GET is account. Yeah, the card is unable to make a call right? that's because its pulse (analogue to SMS pulse). The fact is you could use any regular CDMA card (for CDMA modem) just to dial #777 and login.

2. Account is NOT bound to anything but Indosat's billing system (a RADIUS based server), that means: Not your SIM card nor your modem will be used for identification.

At minimum you just need to buy a cheap CDMA modem, regular CDMA SIM card (starone is a good candidate) and get some accounts.

17 July 2010

Downloading huge file under slow dial-up modem

Today I'm progressing 70% of wikipedia download and I've found a good setting for downloading this 6GB monster of science.

When a download stuck for a long time it seems a sign that a corrupted data has take place. At least that what happen during the first 800MB download using Free Download Manager (FDM). I switch to curl after the prolonged glitches didn't stopped, and continue the unfinished download. After patching 10 corrupted areas, I found later that curl didn't hampered by the same issue. And here is how...

12 May 2010

Recover Corrupted Archive Download with cURL

This post actually started in late April...

It never cross my mind till bad thing happened. I was start download a nostalgia "DBZ" game called Bid for Power 5.0 (a mod of open source quake 3) several days ago. For my 128Kbps connection it took several days to complete. Worse, the file is single 2.2 GB file of rar archive (luckily not an installer).

I have once downloading ISO DVD of CentOS 5 before and that time due to corruption I need to re-download dozen of individual packages and rebuild the ISO image file from scratch using cdrtfe (It really painful). So it's not surprising if Bid for Power also corrupted too. Initially I start to blame Free Downloader Manager for letting it happen since it has rollback feature which should prevent such thing occurred. Anyway, the download is multipart (2) mode across 2 different server source.

22 April 2010, The Hideous Internet

Does google always find what we want? almost..
Are you a leecher? or download mania? umm or are you a pirate?

If you haven't try, you should! :)

I'm a long time user of it, formerly I just want to find an old Mahabharata movie. Then, surprise! reveal to me a dozen of ftp sites (mostly russian) that you won't even found in google. Some of the sites are ftp only interface and some have http (website) interface at its IP address.

Interestingly, many are actually (or maybe) a private share (among people who knows the IP of course) but get spidered by I even find one that once being unprotected ftp only site but later transformed into full fledged website and no longer accessible anonymously! thinking it like someone who have just prepared materials for a website but not yet published it to the world wild web.

31 December 2009

Download always stopped at exact bytes position

Have you ever experience your download was stopped at exactly same byte position and won't proceeded? It happen to me lately and the cause is remain unknown.

My attempts to resume download include:
- Use download manager and ftp manager
- Try with Opera 10 and all other major browser
- Restarting Windows
- Re-connect dial-up internet
- Switch to linux and re-download
- Use mirror sites to resume
- Re-plug Modem
- Re-insert SIM card
- Waiting untill monthly renewal subscribe
- Use multipart mode in download manager

07 November 2009

Finding files with FTP search engine

Many ftp sites, especially that have anonymous access rarely being indexed by google. It's kind of old fashioned mode of filesharing which have minimal role for commercial purpose. A true direct mode... not the waiting link (cough.. direct link..) we seen today, says rapidshit and friends

Recently I find ftp search engine that still survived: (other is, a slow but extensive (probably excessive) ftp search engine. This is really great deal alternative that offer direct as well as parallel and resumable download. The sites itself is not compatible with Opera or at least I found its best for Firefox.