22 April 2010

Proisk.ru, The Hideous Internet

Does google always find what we want? almost..
Are you a leecher? or download mania? umm or are you a pirate?

If you haven't try http://proisk.ru, you should! :)

I'm a long time user of it, formerly I just want to find an old Mahabharata movie. Then, surprise! proisk.ru reveal to me a dozen of ftp sites (mostly russian) that you won't even found in google. Some of the sites are ftp only interface and some have http (website) interface at its IP address.

Interestingly, many are actually (or maybe) a private share (among people who knows the IP of course) but get spidered by proisk.ru. I even find one that once being unprotected ftp only site but later transformed into full fledged website and no longer accessible anonymously! thinking it like someone who have just prepared materials for a website but not yet published it to the world wild web.

Another ftp might look like have anonymous access but having it's root access being password protected, odd! Another case it maybe a website (http) with enabled ftp access but if you looked at the homepage there is no way/link that bring you to get the file unless accessed by ftp, furthermore the homepage not even related to the materials you're looking for :D like I said "hideous"

WTF it is like underground access better than torrent or x-share! proisk.ru granted you the unrestricted (probably untill the owner realize) access to download directly to your harddisk. Almost *any* kind of files exist there, even the sensitive one. Honestly this is like a classic way being reloaded (no ads, resumable download and direct). All you need is (a lot of) LUCK and http://translate.google.com ready to understand "what that russian named folder means" :))

Good hunting!
Edit: BTW if you have ever have difficulty on downloading russian named file, you should use filezilla or chrome.


  1. dear sir..
    please can u tell me how to download from prosik?
    i click on download but my firefox give this message Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (dchub) isn't associated with any program
    any idea ??

  2. Hi there,

    it's a bit dated this article I wrote, that time proisk is filled with usually ftp protocol, now it indexing others too. Dchub means you'll need something like DC++ dcplusplus.sourceforge.net it's another kind of P2P which you should note that availability is not guaranteed. I also note that recently proisk has less and lesser valuble yeilds (especially ftp). Many anonymous ftps has gone or being protected now. Not as fun as it used to be


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good Evening,
      I've installed the dc++, but why I still not able to download the file? Still get "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (dchub) isn't associated with any program." warning.

      1 more thing, please tell me how to upload files in this "Server".

      Thank you.

    3. Kayaknya tinggal paste aja di address barnya DC++ trus nter, tapi ya itu tadi yg punya file lg OL ga ato jgn2 udah ga dishare lg bisa jg gitu kejadiannya, namanya jg peer2peer.

      Upload gimana? kalo anonymous ftp belum tentu boleh upload umumnya read only
      Coba gan cari HFS aj (yg beginian bisa diupload biasanya)
      Googling: "HttpFileServer" "Servertime:" upload

    4. Astaga~, ternyata bisa bahasa indo to. ngapain aq cape2 pake bhs ing kmrn y?

      Anyway, sdh aq cobain masukin alamat dc nya tp yg keluar cm org2 yg lagi pada online. perasaan jd mirip MIRC? jd mpe sekarang msh blm tau caranya download. T.T

      Oh y, aq jg sempet kirim email nanya ke proisk nya. dy cm jawab


      Tambah bingu~ng

      Bisa tolong dibantu? terus terang saya g ngerti bahasa pemrograman + g familiar sm program dc++


    5. Ga perlu ngerti basa pemrograman kok, chatroom di DC++ cuma semacam server dari sekelompok user. Coba buka http://www.b.ali.btinternet.co.uk/DCPlusPlus/gettingStarted.html

      Tapi aku ingetin aja sih, prosentase dapat downloadnya kecil loh. Soalnya query proisk itu kan ga selalu diperbarui bs aj km dpt link lama, coba cek di proisknya lg.

    6. thank you dear
      what can u advice me to do?
      i downloaded dc++
      i can conect to the main hubs but i cant get files i called the internet provider and i am still waiting they told me we will work on it
      is thre any other peer to peer u advise??
      thx very much u r really so king

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    1. dont spout that illegal keyword here!
      I never mention that!
