Love geography? or you have downloaded their free huge magazine scans library? then you may interested in this tool from
In short cng2jpg de-obfuscate NatGeo's jpg files (lossless operation).
This is win32 version of C commandline application by Paul Knight, I just change the filemode to make windows version work.
cng2jpg.7z 11Kb
Alternatively .NET GUI application available at
In short cng2jpg de-obfuscate NatGeo's jpg files (lossless operation).
This is win32 version of C commandline application by Paul Knight, I just change the filemode to make windows version work.
cng2jpg.7z 11Kb
Alternatively .NET GUI application available at
Here is a Python script to decrypt a whole DVD of the CNG collection. Just change line 4 indicating the drive letter.
import os
from glob import iglob
rootdir_glob = 'e:/**/*'
file_list = [f for f in iglob(rootdir_glob, recursive=True) if os.path.isfile(f)]
for f_in in file_list:
if f_in.endswith(".cng"):
f_out = 'c:\\ngm\\' + f_in[3:-3] + 'jpg'
out_dir = os.path.dirname(f_out)
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
with open(f_in, 'rb') as encry, \
open(f_out, 'wb') as decry:
decry.write(bytes(x ^ 0xEF for x in