There are many bat2exe tools out there, or more appropriately a wrapper (not a compiler anyhow). But I think mine is the one that its resulting exe behave like a proper cmd apps. It's based on modified 7zip SFX module. It's called portabat
cmd.exe : Batch processor from ReactOS which at runtime automatically override Windows CMD. Batch while considered lacking as a language is still good for file processing. Recommended to call it as
busybox.exe awk : Posix awk from busybox for heavy-duty text processing that goes beyond sed and grep
autoit3.exe : Old GPL version of AutoIt 3.0.102 is one of most popular UI automation language, while its role in assisting batch task may minimal, it's still important addition in the Windows environment.
All those three intended to run script file
File Management
rawcopy.exe : Low-level copy/imaging from/to device/pipe by Olof Lagerkvist
type rawcopy -h to see help
Writes a diskette image file called "diskimage.img" to a physical diskette in drive A:.
Reads data from named pipe "MYPIPE" on the local machine and write on standard output.
Copies sector 1 (partition table) from first physical harddrive to file called "parttable".
partfile.exe : File partial copy/peek and split
copy 64000 bytes of foo.iso starting from offset:20000 into bar.part
split foo.iso into 64 pieces of bar[n].part
split foo.iso into pieces of 1000000 bytes bar[n].part
junc.exe and hardlink.exe : Pair of fallback replacement for mklink for example to support Windows XP NTFS. This create symlink for directory (junc) or file (hardlink). From Olof Lagerkvist with minor modification on junc
chsize.exe : Create new file (or NTFS sparse) at arbitrary size. From Olof Lagerkvist
makelnk.exe : Shortcut .lnk file creation from ReactOS
lzma.exe : Raw data (de)compressor (not to be confused with 7za), for flat file such disk image or pipe stream.
dir /s c:\windows\*.* | lzma e c_snapshot.lzma -si
take file structure snapshot of windir in compressed form
cabit.bat : Cabinet archiver front-end for makecab
un7z.exe : 7zip 17.x compatible extractor
dezip.exe : unzip file using windows built-in feature
touch.exe : File timestamp
busybox.exe hd/hexdump/xxd : View/peek binary files
busybox.exe diff and patch : compare two text, no better than FC IMO but it has defacto formatting used by patch
busybox.exe psort (renamed sort) : Posix sort filter based various criteria
busybox.exe du : Show directory size in various way
gsar.exe : Search and replace file content, support binary
isoimage.exe : Create ISO image of CD (iso9660+joliet+udf) or DVD (udf only) from directoy recursively, optionally with boot file. On XP this need imapi2 update which NOT part of SP3.
isohybrid.exe : Turn iso image into flexible boot disc
type isohybrid -? for help
eltorito.exe : Retrieve boot image from iso/disc
wincrypt.exe : Encrypt file using Windows AES feature
winhash.exe : Return hash of file in MD, SHA, or CRC
genuuid.exe : Generate UUID, useful for naming temporary file.
isdrive.exe : Return type of current/specified drive
Process Management
ppx2.exe : Parallel processing similar to xargs, works via piping. Note that it doesn't work (in parallel) if piping feed and done inside for loop.
Convert all png to jpg image at 8 parallel task, notice the result will have .png.jpg suffix
second example use batch command del which require passing cmd and escaping ampersand.
busybox.exe tee : Stdin/stdout redirector
timer.exe and timeout.exe : Measure process time or give a delay
fwpipes.exe : Named pipes data transfer of two program by Olof Lagerkvist
setprio.exe : Control process affinity
getppid.exe : Get parent pid
System Query
reg.exe : Registry query/editor from ReactOS that works independently regardless of Windows' registry policy
getwu .exe : Query windows updates and get download links
showwin and enumwim : window handle control and query
rvkroots.exe and updroots.exe : Two Microsoft retired (but usable) helpers that manage certificate in Windows keystore. These are for old XP only and not needed on new Windows
dwnl.exe : Native ftp/http/https downloader from ReactOS
Perform certificates update on OS with expired support such XP
busybox.exe uuencode and uudecode
busybox.exe ipcalc
busybox.exe base64
Text Processing
iconv.exe : Text file codepage conversion
msxsl.exe : Microsoft xslt processor using msxml4
busybox.exe grep/egrep/fgrep : Perform posix regular expression search
busybox.exe sed : Stream text editor with regex
busybox.exe shuf : shuffle lines of text
busybox.exe cut and paste
busybox.exe rev : Reverse a text file
busybox.exe pdate (renamed date) : represent date in various ways
busybox.exe seq : Number sequencer to complement FOR /L with padding option
busybox.exe dc : Reverse polish (RPN) calculator
busybox.exe factor : Calculate prime factor
msgbox.exe : Create message dialog for notification
pclip.exe : paste/copy clipboard content, used with windows clip command
See old original post for comment:
- Simple editing, just open it with 7zip and put your batch files there.
- Your batch files always executed regardless Windows policy to disable command prompt
- Can be passed command arguments
- Behave as multi-call batch launcher based on its SFX name (matched to .bat/.cmd name inside)
- Your batch files always executed regardless Windows policy "disable command prompt"
- Have standalone
which bypass Windows policy "disable registry tools" - Your other executables / batch files in the
sub-directory will available in PATH lookup - Executed at the "correct" working directory
- Do not spawn new cmd box if called from existing cmd box (always reuse existing console)
- Can be called (and have the correct working directory) from anywhere inside PATH environment
- Your
echo %%~nx0
isecho %SFX%
- Your SFX path is
Your extraction path is
- Largely compatible cmd.exe from ReactOS
- Can handle inf files as well (
entry) - If cwd file exist in the archive, current directory will be temp. extraction path
- Be sure to always reference other files/folder in archive with
prefix - Batch filename execution order (prefer .bat over .cmd)
- Compatible with XP or later
What's Bundled?
Inside the tiny 350KB executable there is more than 70 tools (curated from the internet) for different area of interest. Sources are available with exception for MS forfiles, rvkroots and updroots). All tools are LFS aware and with exception for gsar and busybox are Unicode filename aware.Programming
cmd.exe : Batch processor from ReactOS which at runtime automatically override Windows CMD. Batch while considered lacking as a language is still good for file processing. Recommended to call it as
busybox.exe awk : Posix awk from busybox for heavy-duty text processing that goes beyond sed and grep
autoit3.exe : Old GPL version of AutoIt 3.0.102 is one of most popular UI automation language, while its role in assisting batch task may minimal, it's still important addition in the Windows environment.
All those three intended to run script file
, .awk
and .au3
respectively File Management
rawcopy.exe : Low-level copy/imaging from/to device/pipe by Olof Lagerkvist
type rawcopy -h to see help
rawcopy -m diskimage.img \\.\A:
Writes a diskette image file called "diskimage.img" to a physical diskette in drive A:.
rawcopy \\.\PIPE\MYPIPE ""
Reads data from named pipe "MYPIPE" on the local machine and write on standard output.
rawcopy 1 \\.\PhysicalDrive0 parttable
Copies sector 1 (partition table) from first physical harddrive to file called "parttable".
partfile.exe : File partial copy/peek and split
partfile foo.iso bar.part 20000 64000
copy 64000 bytes of foo.iso starting from offset:20000 into bar.part
partfile foo.iso bar.part - 64
split foo.iso into 64 pieces of bar[n].part
partfile foo.iso bar.part - 1000000
split foo.iso into pieces of 1000000 bytes bar[n].part
junc.exe and hardlink.exe : Pair of fallback replacement for mklink for example to support Windows XP NTFS. This create symlink for directory (junc) or file (hardlink). From Olof Lagerkvist with minor modification on junc
chsize.exe : Create new file (or NTFS sparse) at arbitrary size. From Olof Lagerkvist
makelnk.exe : Shortcut .lnk file creation from ReactOS
lzma.exe : Raw data (de)compressor (not to be confused with 7za), for flat file such disk image or pipe stream.
dir /s c:\windows\*.* | lzma e c_snapshot.lzma -si
take file structure snapshot of windir in compressed form
cabit.bat : Cabinet archiver front-end for makecab
un7z.exe : 7zip 17.x compatible extractor
dezip.exe : unzip file using windows built-in feature
touch.exe : File timestamp
busybox.exe hd/hexdump/xxd : View/peek binary files
busybox.exe diff and patch : compare two text, no better than FC IMO but it has defacto formatting used by patch
busybox.exe psort (renamed sort) : Posix sort filter based various criteria
busybox.exe du : Show directory size in various way
gsar.exe : Search and replace file content, support binary
isoimage.exe : Create ISO image of CD (iso9660+joliet+udf) or DVD (udf only) from directoy recursively, optionally with boot file. On XP this need imapi2 update which NOT part of SP3.
isohybrid.exe : Turn iso image into flexible boot disc
type isohybrid -? for help
eltorito.exe : Retrieve boot image from iso/disc
wincrypt.exe : Encrypt file using Windows AES feature
winhash.exe : Return hash of file in MD, SHA, or CRC
genuuid.exe : Generate UUID, useful for naming temporary file.
isdrive.exe : Return type of current/specified drive
Process Management
ppx2.exe : Parallel processing similar to xargs, works via piping. Note that it doesn't work (in parallel) if piping feed and done inside for loop.
dir /S /B /Ahs-d /Od *.png | ppx2 -P 8 -L 1 gdipconv "{}" "{}.jpg"
dir /S /B /Ahs-d /Od *.png | ppx2 -P 8 -L 1 %COMSPEC% /c gdipconv "{}" "{}.jpg" ^&^& del "{}"
Convert all png to jpg image at 8 parallel task, notice the result will have .png.jpg suffix
second example use batch command del which require passing cmd and escaping ampersand.
busybox.exe tee : Stdin/stdout redirector
timer.exe and timeout.exe : Measure process time or give a delay
fwpipes.exe : Named pipes data transfer of two program by Olof Lagerkvist
setprio.exe : Control process affinity
getppid.exe : Get parent pid
System Query
reg.exe : Registry query/editor from ReactOS that works independently regardless of Windows' registry policy
getwu .exe : Query windows updates and get download links
showwin and enumwim : window handle control and query
rvkroots.exe and updroots.exe : Two Microsoft retired (but usable) helpers that manage certificate in Windows keystore. These are for old XP only and not needed on new Windows
dwnl.exe : Native ftp/http/https downloader from ReactOS
updroots.exe authroots.sst
updroots.exe updroots.sst
updroots.exe -l roots.sst
updroots.exe -d delroots.sst
rvkroots.exe -l -u disallowedcert.sst
Perform certificates update on OS with expired support such XP
busybox.exe uuencode and uudecode
busybox.exe ipcalc
busybox.exe base64
Text Processing
iconv.exe : Text file codepage conversion
msxsl.exe : Microsoft xslt processor using msxml4
busybox.exe grep/egrep/fgrep : Perform posix regular expression search
busybox.exe sed : Stream text editor with regex
busybox.exe shuf : shuffle lines of text
busybox.exe cut and paste
busybox.exe rev : Reverse a text file
busybox.exe pdate (renamed date) : represent date in various ways
busybox.exe seq : Number sequencer to complement FOR /L with padding option
busybox.exe dc : Reverse polish (RPN) calculator
busybox.exe factor : Calculate prime factor
msgbox.exe : Create message dialog for notification
pclip.exe : paste/copy clipboard content, used with windows clip command
See old original post for comment:
Broken links
ReplyDeleteI don't know widro